light blue
two foxes and squirrel – of course it contains nuts
Rufus says: “run, squirrel, run”
Description:Rufus says: “run, squirrel, run”
simple things become more difficult
Rufus says: “I struggle with doors like that”
Description:Rufus says: “I struggle with doors like that”
is there a vegan option?
Rufus says: “I’ve just found out why vultures are bald – can’t repeat it here though!”
Description:Rufus says: “I’ve just found out why vultures are bald – can’t repeat it here though!”
blocked dog
Rufus says: “I really shouln’t have eaten that lamb bone”
Description:Rufus says: “I really shouln’t have eaten that lamb bone”
cat freaking out
Rufus says: “just saying hello”
Description:Rufus says: “just saying hello”
dog tricks
Rufus says: “do I look like I give a damn?”
Description:Rufus says: “do I look like I give a damn?”
Rufus says: “…you can make it!”
Description:Rufus says: “…you can make it!”
dating Ian with one i
gluten free pigeons
Rufus says: “if you’re too bloated, I’ll catch you!”
Description:Rufus says: “if you’re too bloated, I’ll catch you!”
gun dogs
Rufus says: “I’ve got my money on the Spaniel”
Description:Rufus says: “I’ve got my money on the Spaniel”
Rufus says: “you’ve got amazing blue eyes”
Description:Rufus says: “you’ve got amazing blue eyes”
Rufus says: “we’ll be fine as long as you don’t start walking on two legs”
Description:Rufus says: “we’ll be fine as long as you don’t start walking on two legs”