miscellaneous humour
is there a vegan option?
Rufus says: “I’ve just found out why vultures are bald – can’t repeat it here though!”
Description:Rufus says: “I’ve just found out why vultures are bald – can’t repeat it here though!”
grand piano
Rufus says: ”where’s he gone?”
Description:Rufus says: ”where’s he gone?”
never in human history…
Rufus says: ”I’ll catch them one day”
Description:Rufus says: ”I’ll catch them one day”
Hey Siri
Rufus says: “that really is so embarrassing”
Description:Rufus says: “that really is so embarrassing”
Manuka Tree
Rufus says: “I think the bees are stealing it”
Description:Rufus says: “I think the bees are stealing it”
well it seemed like a good idea at the time
zebra crossing
No lentils before Pilates
Rufus says: “I really struggle with the ‘downward dog’ ”
Description:Rufus says: “I really struggle with the ‘downward dog’ ”
jimmy chews
Rufus says: “when jimmy chews shoes, he’ll always choose jimmy choos“
Description:Rufus says: “when jimmy chews shoes, he’ll always choose jimmy choos“
gluten free pigeons
Rufus says: “if you’re too bloated, I’ll catch you!”
Description:Rufus says: “if you’re too bloated, I’ll catch you!”
no regerts
Rufus says: “Did you really check that twice?”
Description:Rufus says: “Did you really check that twice?”
Cheerleaders at Welsh football ground
Rufus says: “Give us another ‘L’ ”
Description:Rufus says: “Give us another ‘L’ ”
two foxes and squirrel – of course it contains nuts
Rufus says: “run, squirrel, run”
Description:Rufus says: “run, squirrel, run”
jousting at hampton court
Rufus says: ”I’ll get it”
Description:Rufus says: ”I’ll get it”
simple things become more difficult
Rufus says: “I struggle with doors like that”
Description:Rufus says: “I struggle with doors like that”
the three tenas
Rufus says: “don’t laugh too hard”
Description:Rufus says: “don’t laugh too hard”
british superheroes – iron man
british superheroes – spiderman
british superheroes – superman
Rufus says: ”I hope there’s something for me in that trolley!”
Description:Rufus says: ”I hope there’s something for me in that trolley!”
british superheroes – thaw
Rufus says: ”don’t throw that meat away”
Description:Rufus says: ”don’t throw that meat away”
british superheroes – antman
submarine racing championships
it was a photo finish at the submarine racing championships
Description:it was a photo finish at the submarine racing championships